Nourish to Flourish: The Diet Strategy Behind Eclipsing Burnouts

Nourish to Flourish: The Diet Strategy Behind Eclipsing Burnouts


Maren Higbee

9 months ago at 1:26 PM

Ever tackled a Monday morning or faced that mid-afternoon fade where you feel like your energy just plummets? There's a good chance it isn’t just about your mood or workload – it could be tied to your plate. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that your meal choices might be the reason, balancing your productivity levels and determining whether you soar through tasks or feel bogged down.

The Plate’s Hidden Influence: It's not just some old wives' tale. Actual research backs up the importance of nutrition in our daily grind.

A quick snapshot:
  • A notable discovery highlights that those subsisting on unwholesome diets were 66% more prone to productivity lapses compared to their counterparts who relished whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
  • On the exercise front, sporadic exercisers reported a 50% increase in productivity drops versus those who maintained a regular fitness regime.
  • Interestingly, workplaces that don't encourage a holistic approach to health were likely seeing a 96% dip in employee efficiency.
  • On a brighter note, choosing a nutritious lunch could uplift your afternoon performance by a good 20%.

Why Bother About Lunch?

Your brain isn’t just a thinking machine; it's an organ that thrives on quality fuel. A nutritious meal translates to sharp focus and sustained vitality – pushing away the post-lunch slump. Alongside, a balanced meal can act like a mood stabilizer, replacing erratic mood phases with a consistent, positive demeanor. And if you value a disease-free stretch at work, nourishing your immune system is paramount.

Blueprint to Outshine Burnouts: Aspiring for that top-performer badge or just aiming to stay consistently energetic?

Here’s a strategy:
  1. Prioritize wholesome food: lean proteins, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
  2. Distance yourself from processed snacks and sugary drinks. And perhaps, go easy on caffeine and alcohol.
  3. Treat breakfast with respect – it sets the rhythm for your day.
  4. Always have some nutritious snacks within reach.
  5. Drinking water isn’t just about quenching thirst – it's about maintaining optimal body functions.
  6. For lunch? Aim for harmony among proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.

With these nutritional adjustments, expect a vibrant workday. And who knows? Your choices might ripple through, kickstarting a healthier eating trend in your workspace!

If you want more help or advice, book a session with Mandy Mindin, MS, RD, CD, OneVillage's Clinical Dietitian, at

Maren Higbee

Ever tackled a Monday morning or faced that mid-afternoon fade where you feel like your energy just plummets? There's a good chance it isn’t just about your mood or workload – it could be tied to your plate. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that your meal choices might be the reason, balancing your productivity levels and determining whether you soar through tasks or feel bogged down.

The Plate’s Hidden Influence: It's not just some old wives' tale. Actual research backs up the importance of nutrition in our daily grind.

A quick snapshot:
  • A notable discovery highlights that those subsisting on unwholesome diets were 66% more prone to productivity lapses compared to their counterparts who relished whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
  • On the exercise front, sporadic exercisers reported a 50% increase in productivity drops versus those who maintained a regular fitness regime.
  • Interestingly, workplaces that don't encourage a holistic approach to health were likely seeing a 96% dip in employee efficiency.
  • On a brighter note, choosing a nutritious lunch could uplift your afternoon performance by a good 20%.

Why Bother About Lunch?

Your brain isn’t just a thinking machine; it's an organ that thrives on quality fuel. A nutritious meal translates to sharp focus and sustained vitality – pushing away the post-lunch slump. Alongside, a balanced meal can act like a mood stabilizer, replacing erratic mood phases with a consistent, positive demeanor. And if you value a disease-free stretch at work, nourishing your immune system is paramount.

Blueprint to Outshine Burnouts: Aspiring for that top-performer badge or just aiming to stay consistently energetic?

Here’s a strategy:
  1. Prioritize wholesome food: lean proteins, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
  2. Distance yourself from processed snacks and sugary drinks. And perhaps, go easy on caffeine and alcohol.
  3. Treat breakfast with respect – it sets the rhythm for your day.
  4. Always have some nutritious snacks within reach.
  5. Drinking water isn’t just about quenching thirst – it's about maintaining optimal body functions.
  6. For lunch? Aim for harmony among proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.

With these nutritional adjustments, expect a vibrant workday. And who knows? Your choices might ripple through, kickstarting a healthier eating trend in your workspace!

If you want more help or advice, book a session with Mandy Mindin, MS, RD, CD, OneVillage's Clinical Dietitian, at

1 comment

Last activity by Ashley Yesayan


Ashley Yesayan

Love this, thank you so much for this thoughtful piece Maren!! 🥗 💪

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