Meet cancer survivor and Christian, Tammy. Tammy relies on her faith to support her, along with her community. Her best advice to all is to lean on those who offer genuine kindness.
What was your cancer diagnosis and how was it discovered?
I had a surgery to remove a mass in my lower abdomen. It ended up being a hysterectomy. At the first office appt my doctor found breast cancer and a week later I had surgery and radiation.
I had slot of complications. They gave me a 97 percent chance of never having it return. Two years later, I went in and had to have a mastectomy. I had to have more surgery and had my whole chest packed twice a day by a nurse. It was an open wound it took months to close up.
Since then, I have limited mobility and chronic pain. I have epilepsy and fell and broke my back in two places and had pulmonary embolism surgery three months ago. I still have blood clots. I spend most all of my time in bed I am unable to do most everything. I am sad depressed and anxious. On top of this I lost my son brother and mother in the last five years. My mom to breast cancer.
I have never reached out to ask for anything but I am having a hard time with the constant medical bills. I don't know if you can donate anything. But I would love it. God bless.
What is the biggest piece of advice you have for newly diagnosed patients or supporters of newly diagnosed patients?
Always pray and keep people who support you in such a hard time.
What is the most important thing you have learned from your cancer experience?
I am not in control of everything. I have to trust God my family and doctors.
What was the most difficult aspect of organizing care / community?
Just having to have nurses visiting daily and the transportation for treatment and doctor visits.
What are a few things that you couldn't live without during treatment?
Actually the support of my primary doctor has been wonderful. He helped guide me to the proper specialists and aftercare.