Books to Help Children Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis

Books to Help Children Cope With a Cancer Diagnosis


Corinna Underwood

20 months ago at 8:46 PM

Cancer is challenging at any age, but it can be particularly difficult for children to understand and process.

A cancer diagnosis has a major impact on everyone in the family. For children, though, it is often particularly stressful, confusing, and scary given their limited coping mechanisms and life experiences. Although there are many books for caregivers of cancer patients and patients themselves on the market, finding books appropriate for children can be more difficult.

OneVillage is lucky to have a partnership with Bright Spot Network, an organization dedicated to helping families with cancer. One of the many resources they offer is a list of books that are appropriate for children who have a family member diagnosed with cancer. Each of these books has been kid-tested and parent-approved by the co-founder of Bright Spot Network, Haley Pollack. We hope your family will benefit from these special books as much as we have!

Cancer Hates Kisses, $15.99


The younger the child, the more difficult it can be to explain what cancer is and means for their family. There is a particularly small pool of books about cancer for preschoolers, which can make it hard to balance helping children understand what is happening to a family member while still being comforting. Cancer Hates Kisses, by Jessica Sliwerski is a wonderful resource for children who have a parent with cancer. The book depicts the children of a mother who is a “cancer-fighting superhero” and touches on common aspects of cancer therapy that children might hear about, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. It also gently explains to children what cancer means for their mother - including exhaustion, hair loss, and depression while maintaining a positive tone and explaining to preschool-aged children what they can do to help support a parent with cancer.

The Goodbye Cancer Garden, $11.99


Children older than preschool age will be able to handle books that feature more text. The Goodbye Cancer Garden by Janna Matthies is the perfect choice for families looking to explain cancer to kindergarten and early elementary school children. This fantastic book details the full treatment progress of a mother with breast cancer, occurring at the same time her daughter is growing a garden. The book ends with a healthy garden and a healthy mother, offering a positive and productive take on many of the treatments and procedures mom or dad will go through while in treatment for cancer.

The Invisible String, $8.99


While the purpose of some books is to help explain cancer to children, others are designed to help provide comfort. The Invisible String by Patrice Karst is among the most positive books for cancer patients and their children and is firm in explaining that love always endures, through difficult times and beyond. In this book, a mother tells her two children that they’re all connected by an invisible string. “That’s impossible” the children insist, but they still want to know more. In this heartwarming book, the author explores questions about the intangible and unbreakable connections of love between family members. Recommended by parenting blogs, bereavement support groups, hospice centers, and educators, The Invisible String offers a simple approach to overcoming loneliness, separation, or loss with an imaginative twist that children can easily understand and embrace.

Fritzy Finds a Hat, $12.02


Once children become older, they are often put into the position of helping out in the role of assistant caregiver for their parents. There are plenty of great books for caregivers of cancer patients, but Fritzy Finds a Hat, by Scott Hamilton, is noteworthy for helping involve children in the caregiving process. The various ways that a child can help a parent with cancer are humorously woven in with the ideas that Fritzy has for special hats to get his mother. Among books for cancer caregivers, this warm story will be perfect for young children.

My Cancer Days, $7.93


It’s difficult enough for a child to deal with cancer in a family member. Having to suffer through cancer themselves is unthinkable to many children and their parents. Books for cancer patients hope to give comfort, and this can be especially useful for children who may be scared and confused by their diagnosis. One of the best books for childhood cancer patients to read is My Cancer Days by Courtney Filigenz. This book is designed to help children who are suffering from cancer to understand and accept the sadness, fear, and anger they are experiencing, ensuring them that they are not alone and helping them understand that it’s okay to openly express their feelings.

Looking for more books like this? Send us an email at to speak with a OneVillage team member for personalized recommendations!


Last activity by Muhammad Sameer


Muhammad Sameer

I just purchased 2 books. Will be buying some more. Thank you community.

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Tracy Jackson

Just purchased a few of these on Amazon!

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Heather Cunningham

Cancer Hates Kisses was my son's favorite hands down. It was really hard to find books that were suitable for kids of such young ages. I loved having the book to use to talk to him about tough subjects because it made it seem less scary for him. Helping our littles get through this is so hard on us as moms, so I'm glad that these exist.

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Val Young

Just purchased 3 of these books on amazon for one of my friends young son who currently has cancer, I think he will really enjoy!

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Amy Zhong

My young nephew is currently battling cancer, will definitely be purchasing and gifting him some of these amazing books!

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Melanie Jones

The Invisible String was my favorite. It's so amazing that there are such great resources like these available for parents and kids ❤️

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Frank Wheeler

My wife and I got our youngest a few books to help make sense of the diganosis. She was actually surprisingly resilient. We have also found a few organizations that have done trips, etc. for parents and kids and those have also been really helpful to get her a support system her own age where she can talk to other kids about the feelings she might be having.

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Chris Johnson

I just purchased a couple of these on Amazon. It's so hard to know what to say to young kids about this, I'm not even processing it myself half the time

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Paige Davis

It's so great to see the Mighty and Bright books featured here, those were such a huge help to me as well as a friend of mine who's recently started treatment too! Fortunately I'd kept the books and was able to loan them to her ❤️

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Kristi Jones

I have been looking for something like this, thank you for sharing

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