7 Simple Ways to Stay Organized With Your Cancer Care

7 Simple Ways to Stay Organized With Your Cancer Care


Lindsay Modglin

16 months ago at 8:46 PM

Planning and scheduling all of the necessary bloodwork, tests, appointments, surgeries, and treatments can feel like a full time job all on its own. Learn from the experience of cancer survivor and organizer extraordinaire Lindsay Modglin what you can do to make things easier to manage right now.

One of the greatest challenges you may face during your cancer journey is staying organized. With multiple appointments and changes in care, keeping up can feel almost impossible. Not to mention the added brain fog that often comes with treatment.

It doesn't matter what stage of care you're in, there's always something new to remember. That stack of papers on your counter? Those lab results, doctor's notes, and medical bills? They put a damper on your mood every time you glance in their direction.

Where do you even start? Thankfully, it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some simple ways to sort through the chaos like a pro—even during a major health crisis.

1. Get a dedicated calendar or day planner.

The world of calendars and planners is abundant, and finding one that meets your needs can be overwhelming. You might need to try out a few options before you find the perfect fit. Once you do, it will make all the difference!

Whether you opt for a digital option, like Google calendar, or a physical one like a Moleskin bullet journal —make sure it's easy to use and allows you to keep track of your appointments and important events. If you're a note-taker, finding a planner that has an area for added notes or doodles can be incredibly helpful.

2. Make a medical binder for appointments.

A medical binder is a great way to save important dates and paperwork. Keeping a list of current medication, allergies, previous procedures, and insurance information in one place can streamline appointments—especially when you're at a new facility or with a new doctor who doesn't have your complete medical history.

Creating a comprehensive medical binder that's ready at a moment's notice can take time. But once done, it's a stress-free way to grab the information you need in a hurry. Next time you make an unexpected trip to the hospital or clinic, all your pertinent medical information will be waiting in one convenient location.

Our free PDF printables make it easy to keep track of symptoms, schedules, and more!

3. Create a central location for your medications.

Organizing medications during cancer treatment can feel like a full-time job—but it’s especially important. Between your daily and as-needed meds, this stash can take up a lot of space.

Some keep all their medications in one location, like a medicine cabinet or basket. If you go that route, it may be easier to separate your daily meds from your PRN ones. Label the baskets so you know where things are.

You may prefer to separate everything into pill boxes, which is a helpful trick if you have a set medication schedule. Consider sitting down once a week to prepare the following week's medication. Make sure to leave extra space for any changes in your scripts along the way. Some pharmacies actually create pill packs—so consider reaching out if this sounds helpful. You can also use daily/hourly labels to remember if you've taken a medication already or not!

4. Use labeled storage containers for medical supplies.

One of my favorite ways to keep medical supplies organized is by using labeled storage containers. It makes it easier to find what I'm looking for and keeps supplies from getting lost or mixed up.

Personally, I like clear containers with sturdy lids. I can see from the outside what each container has, and it makes it easy to stack or store them. Labeling containers is simple to do yourself—and if you're feeling creative, consider decorating the lids for an added touch of fun!

5. Keep unpaid bills together.

From medical bills to credit card statements, you might have a lot of paper sitting on your counter. The pile always seems to add up quickly—but it makes for a stressful situation. Filing these documents in a safe, accessible spot is a great way to stay ahead of the game. Try grouping them by month and year, placing all the bills from January 2022 together, etc.

Make a habit of sitting down weekly or bi-weekly to sort through and pay bills. If you have a hard time recalling what you owe—it might be helpful to keep track with a spreadsheet. Not only can it help you remember, but it's also a great tool for saving medical expenses and insurance reimbursements in one place.

6. Ask friends or family members to help you manage your care.

Sometimes, it's easier to ask for help than try to do everything yourself. Finding a friend or family member willing to help you stay organized can be a stress-buster. From assisting with prescriptions to taking medical notes, even assistance with simple tasks can be a massive relief.

Similarly, it might be beneficial to have someone make sure you're taking all of your medications at the right times—and staying hydrated! When you're busy fighting cancer, it can be easy to forget these important details. A quick text reminder can be a lifesaver.

7. Keep a positive attitude and stay motivated throughout your treatment!

Cancer treatment can be harsh, but staying motivated can help you power through. Some ways to stay positive? Try making a list of things that are going well in your life right now, remind yourself of why you're receiving treatment, or write down three things for which you're grateful daily.

Some days are just plain tough and it can be hard to focus on the positive. If this describes you, seek out support from your treatment team and family or friends. The OneVillage community is full of support and friendship, too!


Last activity by Muhammad Sameer


Muhammad Sameer

I strongly agree with you Lindsay. Keeping yourself organized and busy actually makes you feel healthy and fresh. Thank you for sharing.

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Tara Van G

Sending this to my husband... we could both use help with organization.

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June Slone

Really great advice!!

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Melanie Jones

These are all simple tips but somehow it hadn't occurred to me that there really are so many appointments and dates and tests to keep track of that I really do need to be dedicating an entire planner to it. I think I've been trying to avoid the fact that I really am at this point. Good read.

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Tom Handley

Great read, I will definitely be taking this to heart. Right now it feels like too much to manage with all of the appointments and new lingo I am learning. Glad to learn that I am not the only one drinking through the firehose here.

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Dan Johnson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, using a symptom tracker was one of the best things that I found helped me get through my treatment. For me, and most of the people I've talked to about this, their symptoms ended up following a pattern after every infusion. Organization is definitely key!

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Anne Young

Not knowing what was coming was one of the hardest parts for me in adjusting to life as a cancer patient. I felt like every day there were 100 appointments and things to learn about and good news and bad news and everything in between. Just completely overwhelming. So I appreciated the tips on staying organized here!

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Lindsay Modglin

I loved writing this piece, because it allowed me to share some of my own experience with others. These are some tips that worked for me and my family but I would love to hear yours too!

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Katherine Murphy

Great article, thanks for putting this together, Lindsay!

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